Odin Packages



    Backtraces for Odin, see examples below and in the examples folder.

    To change the size (amount of stackframes to print) in places where this can't be set directly, you can use the -define:BACKTRACE_SIZE=16.


    Windows, MacoOS & Linux

    These targets use debug information that's added by compiling with -debug to provide traces and give rough information when compiled without it.

    Performance is not impacted at all during normal running, just when you ask for a trace or lines.

    Per platform notes below:


    For Windows support, all credit goes to DaseinPhaos/pdb.

    Windows is not able to get any information when not compiled with -debug.

    NOTE: The pdb package allocates a lot of stuff and does not really provide a way of deleting the allocations, so, before calling into the package, this package sets it to use the context.temporary_allocator.


    Uses a private framework for symbolication, and thus will not get through Apple's review process.


    On Linux, the addr2line command is invoked, which comes pre-installed (maybe in binutils).

    The addr2line command can be changed by setting the -define:BACK_ADDR2LINE_PATH=your/atos flag.

    The path to the running binary is also needed for this command, this is os.args[0] by default and to my knowledge is always correct. Nevertheless it can be changed with the -define:BACK_PROGRAM=path/to/binary flag.

    I am planning on rewriting this implementation to not require an external command like this by parsing the DWARF debug information manually.


    Other targets use the instrumentation features of Odin to keep track of stack frames, this has a minimal impact on performance and size.

    Forcing the instrumentation based implementation on Windows, Linux and Darwin can be done with -define:BACK_FORCE_FALLBACK=true.

    NOTE: this implementation requires at least -o:minimal as it requires #force_inline procs to actually be inlined, this is not the case with -o:none.

    NOTE: the instrumentation features and WASM combination is a bit fragile and seems to only work on -o:minimal exclusively, this is almost certainly a codegen bug.


    package manual
    import "core:fmt"
    import back "../.."
    main :: proc() {
    	// Allocates for 16 frames.
    	bt := back.trace_n(16)
    	// Or, doesn't allocate, returns `-define:BACKTRACE_SIZE` frames.
    	btc := back.trace()
    	// Or, fill in a slice.
    	bt = make(back.Trace, 16)
    	bt = bt[:back.trace_fill(bt)]
    print :: proc(bt: back.Trace) {
    	lines, err := back.lines(bt)
    	if err != nil {
    		fmt.eprintf("Could not retrieve backtrace lines: %v\n", err)
    	} else {
    		defer back.lines_destroy(lines)
    		fmt.eprintln("[back trace]")
    // [back trace]
    //     back.trace_n - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:59
    //     manual.main  - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/manual/main.odin:9
    //     main         - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/entry_unix.odin:53
    // [back trace]
    //     back.trace  - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:52
    //     manual.main - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/manual/main.odin:13
    //     main        - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/entry_unix.odin:53
    // [back trace]
    //     back.trace_fill - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:64
    //     manual.main     - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/manual/main.odin:18
    //     main            - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/entry_unix.odin:53

    Tracking Allocator

    package main
    import "back"
    _main :: proc() {
    	_ = new(int)
    main :: proc() {
    	track: back.Tracking_Allocator
    	back.tracking_allocator_init(&track, context.allocator)
    	defer back.tracking_allocator_destroy(&track)
    	context.allocator = back.tracking_allocator(&track)
    	defer back.tracking_allocator_print_results(&track)
    // /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/allocator/main.odin(6:6) leaked 8b
    // [back trace]
    //     back.trace                   - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:52
    //     back.tracking_allocator_proc - /Users/laytan/projects/back/allocator.odin:129
    //     runtime.mem_alloc_bytes      - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/internal.odin:141
    //     runtime.new_aligned-13136    - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/core_builtin.odin:250
    //     runtime.new-13097            - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/core_builtin.odin:246
    //     main._main                   - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/allocator/main.odin:6
    //     main.main                    - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/allocator/main.odin:18
    //     main                         - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/entry_unix.odin:53
    // /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/allocator/main.odin(7:2) allocation 64 was freed badly
    // [back trace]
    //     back.trace                   - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:52
    //     back.tracking_allocator_proc - /Users/laytan/projects/back/allocator.odin:102
    //     runtime.mem_free             - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/internal.odin:162
    //     main._main                   - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/allocator/main.odin:8
    //     main.main                    - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/allocator/main.odin:18
    //     main                         - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/entry_unix.odin:53

    Printing a backtrace on assertion failures / panics

    package main
    import "back"
    main :: proc() {
        context.assertion_failure_proc = back.assertion_failure_proc
        assert(3 == 2)
    // [back trace]
    //     back.trace                  - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:52
    //     back.assertion_failure_proc - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:97
    //     runtime.assert.internal-0   - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/core_builtin.odin:818
    //     runtime.assert              - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/core_builtin.odin:820
    //     main.main                   - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/assert_backtrace/main.odin:8
    //     main                        - /Users/laytan/third-party/Odin/core/runtime/entry_unix.odin:53
    // /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/assert_backtrace/main.odin(7:5) runtime assertion

    Printing a backtrace on segmentation faults

    package main
    import "back"
    main :: proc() {
    	ptr: ^int
    	bad := ptr^ + 2
    	_ = bad
    // Segmentation Fault
    // [back trace]
    //     back.trace                            - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:52
    //     back.register_segfault_handler$anon-1 - /Users/laytan/projects/back/back.odin:114
    //     ??                                    - ??
    //     main.main                             - /Users/laytan/projects/back/examples/segfault/main.odin:8